Gum Grafting in Syosset, NY

Gum Grafting Decorative Image

Gum recession is a common occurrence in adults. The gum tissue pulls away from the teeth, exposing a portion of the roots. There are various reasons why it happens from gum disease to general wear and tears over time. Minor gum recession may not be a major concern, but when it is significant it can cause a variety of dental problems. 

In cases of significant gum recession, your dentist may recommend gum grafting. This procedure involves taking soft tissue from another part of your mouth and using it to cover the exposed roots. Gum grafting can replace the lost gum tissue and prevent further recession.

Benefits of Gum Grafting

There are a variety of reasons gum grafting can be beneficial for receding gums: 

  • Reduce sensitivity. The exposed roots can be sensitive to heat and cold. Gum grafting can reduce this sensitivity by covering and insulating the exposed root tissue.
  • Protect your roots from decay. The root portion of a tooth is softer than the enamel because it is not meant to bear the brunt of chewing force. This means that when it is exposed, it is more susceptible to decay. Gum grafting protects the roots from damage. 
  • Secure your teeth in place. The purpose of your gum tissue is to hold your teeth in place in your mouth along with the other supporting structures. Gum recession can cause the teeth to become loose, but gum grafting can provide improved support.
  • Improve your smile. In some cases, gum grafting is done for aesthetic reasons. When the teeth appear too long due to gum recession, gum grafting can improve the appearance of your smile.

      Frequently Asked Questions About Gum Grafting

      What causes the gums to recede?

      In some cases, the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth due to gum disease, a bacterial infection of the gums that occurs due to plaque build-up from lack of adequate dental care. Gum tissue also gets worn away naturally with age, and sometimes from excessive brushing. Brushing too hard and too often can cause the gums to recede.

      Is gum grafting painful?

      During the procedure, the tissue being worked on will be numbed so that you don’t feel any pain. After the procedure, over-the-counter pain medication is typically sufficient to reduce any discomfort.

      Can I eat and drink after the procedure?

      It is fine to eat soft foods after your gum grafting procedure. You may want to avoid spicy foods and warm or acidic drinks that could irritate any sore places in your mouth.

      Can I get a gum graft placed on multiple teeth at once?

      It is common for multiple teeth to receive gum grafts during the same procedure. Sometimes one flap of gum tissue is used to cover the roots of multiple teeth in a row to provide additional support.

      Are there different types of gum graft procedures?

      There are a few different methods that dentists use to perform gum grafts. Your dentist will discuss your options and recommend the best method for your individual needs.